Fallout 4 Hype Train

Fallout 4 Hype Train

KitGuru Says: Bethesda keeps dropping these little tidbits here and there to help keep the Fallout 4 Hype Train going and it’s probably working. I’m personally really looking forward to the game. Are any of you looking forward to Fallout 4? Have you The hype train of Fallout 4 just got a little bit bigger. Bethesda has recently announced that it will have more voice lines in it than its predecessor and Skyrim combined. Bethesda notes there are over 110,000 lines in Fallout 4, all of which have just What game would you like to voice act for? Now I swear this isn’t just because Fallout 4 is approaching fast and I’m riding hard on the hype train, but my answer is Fallout. Let me explain. Bethesda, in my opinion, has some brilliant writing .

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